Custom Values Liste

Erstellt von Elias Brasser, Geändert am Do, 22 Dez, 2022 um 1:02 VORMITTAGS von Elias Brasser

Hier ist eine Liste mit Standard benutzerdefinierten Werten, die du in finden kannst:

Contact > Full name: {{}}

Contact > First name: {{contact.first_name}}

Contact > Last name: {{contact.last_name}}

Contact > Email: {{}}

Contact > Phone: {{}}

Contact > Company name: {{contact.company_name}}

Contact > Full Address: {{contact.full_address}}

Contact > Address 1: {{contact.address1}}

Contact > City: {{}}

Contact > State: {{contact.state}}

Contact > Postal Code: {{contact.postal_code}}

Contact > Date of Birth: {{contact.date_of_birth}}

Contact > Source: {{contact.source}}

Contact > Website: {{}}

User > Full Name: {{}}

User > First Name: {{user.first_name}}

User > Last Name: {{user.last_name}}

User > Email: {{}}

User > Phone: {{}}

User > Signature: {{user.email_signature}}

User > Calendar Link: {{user.calendar_link}}

User > Twilio Phone: {{user.twilio_phone_number}}

Appointment > Start Date Time: {{appointment.start_time}}

Appointment > Start Date: {{appointment.only_start_date}}

Appointment > Start Time: {{appointment.only_start_time}}

Appointment > End Date Time: {{appointment.end_time}}

Appointment > End Date: {{appointment.only_end_date}}

Appointment > End Time: {{appointment.only_end_time}}

Appointment > Timezone: {{appointment.timezone}}

Appointment > Cancellation Link: {{appointment.cancellation_link}}

Appointment > Reschedule Link: {{appointment.reschedule_link}}

Appointment > Meeting Location: {{appointment.meeting_location}}

Appointment > Notes: {{appointment.notes}}

Appointment >Add to Google Calendar: {{appointment.add_to_google_calendar}}

Appointment > Add to Ical&Outlook: {{appointment.add_to_ical_outlook}}

Calendar > Name: {{}}

Campaign > Event, Date, Time: {{campaign.event_date_time}}

Campaign > Event Date: {{campaign.event_date}}

Campaign > Event Time: {{campaign.event_time}}

Message > Message Body: {{message.body}}

Account > Name: {{}}

Account > Full Address: {{location.full_address}}

Account > Address Line 1: {{location.address}}

Account > City: {{}}

Account > State: {{location.state}}

Account > Country: {{}}

Account > Postal Code: {{location.postal_code}}

Account > Email: {{}}

Account > Phone: {{}}

Account > Website: {{}}

Account > Logo URL: {{location.logo_url}}

Account > Owner > First Name: {{location_owner.first_name}}

Account > Owner > Last Name: {{location_owner.last_name}}

Account > Owner > Email: {{}}

Right Now > Second: {{right_now.second}}

Right Now > Minute: {{right_now.minute}}

Right Now > Time 24h Format: {{right_now.hour}}

Right Now > Time  AM/PM Format: {{right_now.hour_ampm}}

Right Now > AM/PM: {{right_now.ampm}}

Right Now > Day: {{}}

Right Now > Month: {{right_now.month}}

Right Now > Month Extended English: {{right_now.month_english}}

Right Now > Year: {{right_now.year}}

Right Now > Date (month/day/year): {{right_now.middle_endian_date}}

Right Now > Date (day/month/year): {{right_now.little_endian_date}}

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